Katie and I met to discuss her portrait session and it felt like I had met a kindred spirit. While we have different personalities, our interests are similar and we were able to laugh like friends. Katie is a ray of sunshine and a ball of energy. She’s passionate, intelligent, lively and fun.
She’s graduating with an MBA from Baylor University and we were able to commemorate her time and capture her personality while traipsing around campus with her friends.

One of the things Katie was excited about was wearing this awesome gown that she’d bought right before Covid hit. The event she had purchased it for was cancelled and so this was a special opportunity to use it. I happened to have a jeweled mask from a styled shoot so we even played with some fairytale shots for fun.
When we got to the business school, Katie led us to some of her favorite spots where the graduate students studied and spent time together. It was great to capture portraits in a place that meant so much to her.

Congratulations, Katie! You’re going to go far!