Grace had such an incredible senior portrait session at Baylor University. It was right in between rainy days so everything was green, the temperature was pleasant and Grace totally rocked everything she did.

One of the best things Grace did was prepare for the session. This stunning green dress was actually borrowed from a friend after we talked through the Style Guide and what photographed well. Look how the wind catches it and gives it movement!

Grace also brought her boyfriend for part of the session and a friend for the second part. This was great because each one helped her feel confident, relaxed and brought out natural smiles!

It’s important to capture a few moments in your graduation gown and stole. You can create a high impact moment by going to places that represent your school for those photos. Afterward, Grace brought out a bottle of champagne for the fun spraying shots. I also walk through some do’s and don’ts on this type of shot that I’ve learned along the way.

It’s important to capture some of the things that symbolize memories of your school. The stole is one way to do that. Grace’s sorority also had a stole that we wanted to highlight because of the important relationships she made through it. Go Pi Beta Phi!

The last place we went was Baylor University’s new Hurd Building. The architecture is awesome and Grace wanted some professional photos that could work on resumes. This is something important to consider – how do you want to use the images you are getting? You can see the last two images were in the exact same place with the same pose. The thing that changed was the lighting. The first could work for a resume, but the second looks much more like a classic headshot. The best part was that she got that classic look with the new architecture behind her and a reflection of the traditionally beautiful buildings that were in front of her.
Congratulations on your graduation, Grace! You’re going to be amazing in Speech Therapy! I’m so glad you are able to pursue your goals and dreams.